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Garage Door Repair Bothell
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Garage Door Common Questions

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Garage Door Common Questions

No need to be confused by your garage door

We created this FAQ page to provide you with answers to a variety of important topics relating to garage doors.  Scroll down to expand your knowledge and take away useful advice you can apply to your own property. If you find yourself needing assistance, remember that our technicians here at Garage Door Repair Bothell are right nearby.

What do the numbers mean when talking about the gauge of steel?

When referring to steel, the numbers indicate the thickness of the metal. A lower number means the sheet is thicker while a higher number indicates means it's thinner. For example, 24-gauge steel is thicker than 27-gauge. A heavier steel door is stronger, more dent resistant and will generally last longer than a thinner steel door. However, the heavier the steel is, the more it probably cost. If you're looking for a replacement steel garage door, we can help you choose the right one for you.

What are the spring safety cables?

These are fixed metal cables connected to special hooks, they run along the entire length of the garage door extension springs and contribute to the safety of the door by holding it in place when the springs break. They require secure installation by a professional and should also be checked regularly for damage. If you encounter any type of problem involving these units, don't try to handle it yourself! These attempts can end in serious injuries. Garage Door Repair Bothell is here to provide any help you may require. Don't hesitate to contact us for anything.

Does my garage door need an external lock?

We always recommend you ensure your garage has good security. If you have a manual door, you should, of course, get an external lock to protect your belongings. If you've got an automatic system, a digital security lock feature will probably be built in so its unlikely you'll need an external lock too.

Why should I lubricate my garage door?

Bearings, hinges and other moving parts of your garage door tend to freeze during the winter, which can cause malfunction. The lubricant is used to keep them running and to prevent them from freezing over. If you are not sure which type to use, you can always ask one of the nearest experts for assistance. SOmeone, say, like us. Contact Garage Door Repair Bothell today and get help sent over right away.


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Mar 11, 2025
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Thank you for choosing Garage Door Repair Bothell! One of our experts will be in touch soon. Feel free to browse our website for FAQ, tips and more useful information in the meantime!